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Become a Texas CUREN member

Any credit union that shares the network's interest in residential real estate can join free of charge.

Mortgage and Credit Union friendly affiliates are also welcome.

Affiliate members will be charged an annual membership fee.

Friendship and Support

Professional Connections

Industry Insights

Knowledge Sharing

Texas CUREN membership is more important than ever in this fast-paced mortgage industry. The value of CUREN meetings comes from human-to-human connections! Often, people cite the impromptu "hallway conversations" with other attendees as the most valuable parts of attending a quarterly meeting. While these are not on the agenda or mentioned in the breakout sessions learning objectives, when two or more people begin to discuss topics more profoundly and personally, the event's success for those involved becomes irreplaceable. The people you develop relationships with bring the most ROI to your time at a CUREN meeting.

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